Workflow Manager Fail with “Trusted provider is missing” error

I encountered this problem with a customer where one of our workflow heavy applications stopped to function .

The error I got within ULS Logs look like

00000003-0000-0ff1-ce00-000000000000  trusted provider is missing

Turns out it is a security change to the IIS Application for the “Workflow Management Site” where the Authentication provider included

Asp.Net Impersonation Enabled 
Along with other changes to that IIS application .


This customer is using SharePoint 2013 Enterprise on premises with NTLM only in a windows integrated mode , no SSL .

After narrowing down the issue to “Authentication problem” I did setup a new WFM with OOB configuration.

Asp.Net Impersonation Disabled 

I have checked all those settings below this will fix this issue after you restart the application pool.

See Below

Best of Luck.






Using Multiple ASP SQL Role providers on multiple SharePoint Sites.

I found this problem as I was extending a SharePoint site to use FBA and the client wanted the users of Site 2 in a different database  than that of  Site 1.

Here are some concepts first

You have multiple FBA profile providers , Membership Provider , and Role Provider.

You need to have the following per site


  • Site1MembershipProvider
  • Site1RoleProvider
  • Site1ProfileProvider


  • Site1MembershipProvider
  • Site1RoleProvider
  • Site1ProfileProvider


All in one web.Config file / application

While that is obviously not doable without custom provider , yet , you will still have the challenge of dynamically switching the provider at runtime.

Here is the fix no coding needed.

ProfileCommon class only points to the properties under the  Default provider

Yet, you can trick it with the following.

<profile enabled=”true” defaultProvider=”SQLProfile”>

<!–  The “name” attribute of each property entry corresponds, that is the ProfileCommon properties–>


<add name=”FirstName” />

<add name=”MiddleName” />

<add name=”LastName” />

<!– Required Sharepoint properties follow… –>

<add name=”PreferredName” defaultValue=”NA” />

<add name=”WorkEmail” defaultValue=”” />

<add name=”WorkPhone” type=”System.String” defaultValue=”NA” />

<!– Required for the Custom Profile Site1 –>

<add name=”Site1FirstName”  type=”string” provider =”FBASite1Profile”/>

<add name=”Site1MiddleName” type=”string” provider =”FBASite1Profile”/>

<add name=”Site1LastName”   type=”string” provider =”FBASite1Profile”/>



<add name=”SQLProfile” type=”System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider, System.Web, Version=2.0.3600.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a” connectionStringName=”AspNetSqlProvider” applicationName=”/” />

<add name=”FBASite1Profile” type=”System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider” connectionStringName=”FBASite1ConnectionString” applicationName=”Site1Application” />


<add name=”FBASite2Profile” type=”System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider” connectionStringName=”FBASite2ConnectionString” applicationName=”Site2Application” />


<add name=”FBASite3Profile” type=”System.Web.Profile.SqlProfileProvider” connectionStringName=”FBASite3ConnectionString” applicationName=”Site3Application” />



Accessing the profile through code

Creating a profile

MembershipUser  newUser = Membership.Providers[“Site1Membership”].CreateUser(UsernameTextbox.Text, PasswordTextbox.Text,EmailTextbox.Text, passwordQuestion,passwordAnswer, chkActive.Checked,(object)Guid.NewGuid(), out status);

ProfileCommon pc = (ProfileCommon)ProfileBase.Create(newUser.UserName);

pc.SetPropertyValue(“Site1FirstName”, FirstName.Text);

pc.SetPropertyValue(“Site1MiddleName”, MiddleName.Text);

pc.SetPropertyValue(“Site1LastName”, LastName.Text);


Reading a profile

MembershipUser user = Membership.Providers[“Site1Membership”].GetUser(username,false);

ProfileCommon pc = (ProfileCommon)ProfileBase.Create(user.UserName);

FirstName.Text = pc.GetPropertyValue(“Site1FirstName”).ToString() ;

MiddleName.Text= pc.GetPropertyValue(“Site1MiddleName”).ToString();

LastName.Text = pc.GetPropertyValue(“Site1LastName”).ToString();

Good Luck .